© Stephan Darm 
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Public Barbecue Sites

Barbecue on he River Elbe – A Real Pleasure

Comfortable barbecue afternoons or evenings on the River Elbe are something special. Not everybody has the space for celebrating a barbecue at home. The public barbecue places at the Elbe, with tables, benches and a covered grill are being used quite frequently.

Invite your family and friends for a party. The barbecue places are open to the public and can be used free of charge. All you have to do is to organise your meals, coal and bring a good temper.

Any event must be registered in advance at the city council. Toilets are not available, but with the registration a mobile toilet can be organised and will be charged for.

The barbecue areas are located here:
- At the river Elbe near the public pool
- Next to the high rope course on a little hill
- In the district Grünhof-Tesperhude directly at the Elbe trail

Here you can make a reservation:


Bürgerbüro Geesthacht
Markt 15
21502 Geesthacht Adresse über Google Maps anzeigen

Telefon +49 4152 13-171
Fax +49 4152 13-464
Raum Raum 1 im EG
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